Posted by : PlayOnMobile วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Monster Galaxy Exile

Explore a fantastic world to capture and train dragons and other magical beasts.

Battle & tame hundreds of insane creatures in Monster Galaxy: Exile, the sequel to the most popular monster-battling game!
As the world's greatest monster tamer, you toppled the evil King Otho and brought peace to the land. But Otho still has one more trick up his sleeve... he's exiled you to his bizarre prison dimension!
Now, you're lost in a strange land without your trusty Moga team. Can you survive?
* Battle through 14 insane worlds!
* Tame more than 125 unique monsters!
* Gawk at incredible hi-res hand-painted graphics!
* Meet odd characters, including clown rappers, legendary haters & hot tub swingers!
* Scratch your head at the weirdest plot you've ever seen!

Download  APK

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